Lila and I, were getting ready for 2008's prom, Our prom. We both loked enchanting in our dresses from her trend magazine. Her hair was pinned to her skulp in bridal style and mine was hanging in perfect ringlets.
"Lila! Karla! The boys are here!" Lila's mum bellowed up the stairs.
Oh my god, I've been waiting for this moment since I knew what prom was and now it's arrived I'm nervous as hell. I forced a smile on my lips as we approached Kit and Nigel, but as soon as I see Nigel in his tuxedo, my anxiety melts away and I'm beaming at him not quite believing how lucky I am.
"You look hot!" He whispers in my ear, causing me to blush and linking my arm with his we head for our horse and carriage...Not!
"Is this yours?" I asked, tilting my head to this fantastic car. He nods, his lopsided smile I love so much appears. "Nice wheels" I compliment, though I don't know much about cars, this sleek black open topped four seater with a long bonnet and boot, was breathtaking.
"Well hop in, don't want to be late" He grins.
"Yeah, but don't wanta be early either" I take the passenger seat and lean over to turn on the radio. 'Devil in Disguise' blares out of the speakers. "Elvis Presley? He's so old fashioned."
"Hey, don't diss my taste in music. I like 'old fashioned." Nigel mocks, placing his hand on mine, just before I was about to change it.
I shrug, leaning back into the cushioned seat, relishing the tingling feeling from his touch.
Before we knew it, we were at our school, queueing up in couples for our photos. It was a traditional thing our school did every year, that then followed the fun bit, which we called prom. The photographers were pretty amazing, turning even the bad photos into decent perfection.
"Zoe babe, Kit-kat and his pals have arrived and we're gonna get these party poopers on the dance floor." Cody grabbed Zoe's hand and marched straight up to us.
Everyone was now staring at us, since Cody draws a lot of attention from his loud voice. Most of them turned away seeing that it was only 'Cody'. But the others saw who was with him 'Kit' and kept their eyes on him while backing away.
"Thanks Code." Kit said sarcasticly "Why did you have to raise your blooming voice and attract attention to us?"
"What?" Cody asked, looking around like he hadn't the slightest idea what he was talking about.
Kit just rolled his eyes and beckoned Lila on to the dance floor.
I smiled at Lila encouraging her to show of her moves.
"Karla, you look gorgeous." Zoe complimented, breaking through my thoughts, attracting me to look at her.
"I look gorgeous?" She was the one who looked gorgeous her dark hair and features contrasting with her ivory greek styled empires waist dress. "Well your the moon princess."
She giggled "If I'm the moon princess. Your the queen of the sun."
Cody butted in saying we were both hot babes and pulled Zoe on to the dance floor. Saying this was his favourite. Leaving me nd Nigel alone.
My school friends were whirling to some pop melody, that was at a deafening volume. And Nigel and I stood by the snack table, where it looked like it was just us.
I felt Nigel's warm breath on my ear "I favour sun godessess to be honest. Since I like to think of my self as the moon and you need both to have a balanced relationship." I shuddered as his lips caressed my ear.
He turned me around and I gazed into his silver eyes, waiting for him to make the first move.
He smiled down at me and trailed his hand down my arm, leaving his flaming mark. His eyes shone with mischieve. "You know I feel very naughty taking advantage of you with no one watching to stop you or you to stop yourself from this hypnotic trance." He spoke very quitely, like he was just mouthing the words, making me strain to hear him.
I laughed for I felt like I was in a dream, I laughed more at the thought of being drugged. Nigel hand curled around mine and I choked on my laughter, suffocating from lack of oxygen. I let go of Nigel's hand.
Why was I feeling so light headed like I was going to pass out. Wasn't I laughing a little while ago? I fumbled over to the table to keep me upright, gasping for air as I did. My body felt like dead weight and keeping my eyes open seemed more of a challenge than usual. I attempted to open my mouth to scream, but I had no control over it and it didn't feel like it belonged to me any more. Then everything went black.
And a second later I was on my feet, sencing everything light and new. "W...what just happened?" I stuttered, looking up into Nigels eyes, where I spied pure evil lurking in them. That I thought I would never see on a face so perfect. I staggered away from his glare and got a touch of pins and needles that ran from my head to my toes. I gaped, seeing that where my waist should of been was now the table with plaits on. Had I just walked through a solid object? And the answer was deposited in front of me or should I say, I was the answer. It was my motionless body on the ground. "Am I dead" I shrieked, falling to my knee's I endeavoured to get back into my body, but it was impossible, everything I tried to touch went through me like air.
Nigel smirked and snatched my wrist.
"You did this?....How?....Why?" I didn't wait for an answer as I could see it in his eyes. Though I would of liked a little explanation to what was happening, I knew if I didn't act fast I was going to be taken somewhere I wouldn't want to be. But wait..."How can you touch me? When everything else solid can't?"
"Your dead ok!" He sent to me telepathically.
Could this conceivably be happening? Well no time for questioning. I raised my fist and aimed for his nose no good did it do, it went straight through. He grinded his teeth together and dragged me a few cms away from where I was standing. Stopping, he observed the carefree teenagers dancing, totally ignorant to what was happening in front of their noses. Or maybe not, is that Lila pushing her way through the crowd, I really hope she saw me or could help. Nigel seemed to think the same thing, "Oh &$#%^&" He mouthed and let go of me to edge his way to the exit. "I'll be back for you" His voice echoed in my head.
I watched Nigel leave then turned my attention on Lila who was running over, having finally found me. She came to halt, eyeing my corpse. The word corpse sent shivers down my spine. How could I be dead? I felt brilliant. Lila didn't think I was brilliant, she screamed, tears forming in her eyes, knee's shaking. She was making a big scene, everyone had stopped what they were doing and I mean everyone. People screaming everywhere and looking around for the suspect. I could hear several people whispering "Where's Kit?"
"No, no, no don't bring Kit into this. He has nothing to do with my murder..." I shuddered, having finally accepted my death, though I didn't have a clue how it could of happened. I had a strong feeling it was a paranormal decease and that the guy I thought I loved was the cause of it and I knew he was coming back, but for what reason? Hadn't he already killed me? I collapsed onto the ground, turning a blind eye on the disturbance around me.
And when I looked up again, the gym hall was just an ordinary gym hall. My class wasn't there, I physically wasn't there and all the decorations had been tooken down.