Chapter one, part one.

Karla's wails grew fainter and fainter as the invisible force dragged her into the darkness. I shouted her name as I sprinted after her. Scouring everywhere for a glimpse of golden hair or the purple dress she wore to the prom and which she wore everytime I saw her since then.
"Help me" she shrieked. And then I was falling into the never ending black hole...
I woke up twisted in my duvet on the floor. I quickly aroused and searched in the early hours of the morning for my dream journal. If you was like me, you would have kept a dream journal as well. And would have found a good place to hide it from your annoying parents. Who would have sent you to counselling or someother loony bin, if they found out your dreams prodict what might happen or various mystic things. Which I have to puzzle together and work out what they mean.
'The dreams changed.' I write and putting the pen in my mouth I flicked through my past entries. For a whole year I've been haveing the same dream and now the year mark of Karla's death the dream changed. I still haven't worked out what the other dream was about. I came to the page, dated the day after prom. The ink was smudged from crying heavily whilst writing it. 'Karla's dead.' I wrote 'And yet I'm dreaming about her. Why couldn't my last dream, the one where she died mysteriously on the spot not have come true. And why, oh why did I not stay with her 24/7. Ok my dream went like this:
Karla's gaze went through. She mumbled over and over again "Why me?" and slowly she started to evaporate. I tried to help but it was like I wasn't even there. And then I fell into the blackness.'
Were my dreams telling me something, is something going to happen? Or has something already happened? I have had dreams where it was happening while I was dreaming it, could this be one of them? But how, this dream doesn't even make sense. Yet so didn't the last one.
I took the pen out of my mouth and scribbled down the dream I just had. As soon as I did that, I curled up on my mattress and gazed out of the window, rethinking my dream over and over again in my head. What could it mean?
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