A day later
Yestday breaktime, I tried to get Lila on her mobile. I rang her fifteen times, but everytime it went to voice mail. Later, when I got home I then tried her house phone. Her mother picked up saying she hadn't seen her since the morning, well hearing this scared the hell out of me. Seeing that I was not the only one who had a link in victims to be, Lila was also blonde and fitted their (i.e. newspapers) description. That night I couln't go to sleep, I didn't have a clue where my best friend was. And I did go over to her house (across from my house, we're neighbours) to make sure she didn't make her mother lie to me, well I can tell you there was no lie, Lila wasn't there. So when I finally fell asleep, you wouldn't be surprised to hear I had the worst nightmare you could possibly think of....
Lila's corpse lay mangled and twisted in an unnatural position, her skin chalky white with her light blue eyes staring into nothingness. A pool of red liquid poured from her chest onto the forest floor. A metalic smell was strong to my nostrils and extremely sickening. Standing over her body was Kit, dagger held in his hand and a evil grin on his ugly face.
I woke up screaming into my pillow, sweat dripping from my brow and more in my sheats sticking to my body.
When I got to school I discovered Lila was absent again, this made me groan as the images from last nights dream flashed into my mind. Blanking them out, I strolled through the hall way. I recognized Jo (from the year below me and a witness to the first death) her arms were wrapped around her legs and she was sitting on the floor, smudged eyeliner plastered to her face and snivelling into a hanky.
Now what happened to her? Don't tell me it's bullying. It can't be bullying, someone who looks like Lara Croft wouldn't be bullied. Maybe she observed another crime. I'm astonished I didn't get a headache from so many thought in only a few seconds.
Getting down onto my knees, which would look hysterical to passer bys, was extremely difficult due to my mini skirt. "Urh...Jo, what's wrong?" I crawled over to her and gave her a bear hug.
"All this drama is making me emotional. They all say it's Kit, but he wouldn't have done it." She choked "He wouldn't hurt a fly and the police are clueless to who the real murderer is. It's all very....horrifying."
"Are you a 100% sure it wasn't Kit? I know he looks like a soppy puppy, yet isn't Puss-in-boots dangerous and adorable...Um well you know what I mean."
If looks could kill, I'm sure I would be dead. "Kit's my brother! I know for sure it wasn't him!"
"Oh, you two look so different....sorry." I muttered, think, think, distraction, distraction...."Well I'm gonna phone Lila, I don't know where she is."
"Lila? She's at my house."
"What she's at your house?" Why though, why would she be there?...Dumass, she's with Kit, duh. I didn't realize till it was to late, that I had grabbed hold of Jo's shoulders and was shaking her.
She shoved me off and before she could tolerate any more, I was sprinting down the hallway. With delight and the intentions to bunk off for the very first time.
Ouch...It is so unlike me to hit awall, but walls arn't soft and warm...are they? My gaze wandered over a six packed torso (covered up with black cotten, but still visible underneith) that belonged to a male. My eye's drifted up this exceedingly tall, broad shouldered figure and hovered at his slender lips. He chuckled to him self, as I arrived at his slanted grey eyes. He was gorgeous, he was Nigel. Taking in this little fact, I flinched backwards. "I'm sorry, I should have been looking where I was going."
"No no, it was all my fault. I should of been able to dodge you." He teased.
"Huh, huh" Just staring at him makes me dizzy. Imagine what a kiss would do.
"You appear to be in a hurry. Do you need any assistance?" He raised one eyebrow.
Perfect I thought sarcastically, so just being with him erases my memory. Clearing my throat, I say "Nope. You should go to english, Mrs Smith would give you lots of torment if you didn't."
"Sure if that's what you want. Well hope to see you soon." He winks, then disappears around the corner.
Sighing dreamingly, I saunter the short distance to Kit's semidetached house. When I approach his blue door, I instantly think of the movie Notting Hill, it also seems to be the only blue door in this neighbourhood. I had my fist in midair (about to knock) when the door gets thrown open.
"Karla? I thought that might be you. Jo, just phoned and said she reckons you'd come." Lila said.
"Your alive!" I screamed with joy and enclosed my arms around her. Tears sprang to my eyes and I mumbled. "I thought you got your self murdered. I've been worried sick, never do that again."
"You sounds like my mum." She tittered.
"Please be more careful."
Kit comes into view and folds his arm around Lila's waist. "Hey, do you want to come in? and I could make tea?"
Hmmm...Kit really doesn't seem like a serial killer. "Yeah that would be great."
Yestday breaktime, I tried to get Lila on her mobile. I rang her fifteen times, but everytime it went to voice mail. Later, when I got home I then tried her house phone. Her mother picked up saying she hadn't seen her since the morning, well hearing this scared the hell out of me. Seeing that I was not the only one who had a link in victims to be, Lila was also blonde and fitted their (i.e. newspapers) description. That night I couln't go to sleep, I didn't have a clue where my best friend was. And I did go over to her house (across from my house, we're neighbours) to make sure she didn't make her mother lie to me, well I can tell you there was no lie, Lila wasn't there. So when I finally fell asleep, you wouldn't be surprised to hear I had the worst nightmare you could possibly think of....
Lila's corpse lay mangled and twisted in an unnatural position, her skin chalky white with her light blue eyes staring into nothingness. A pool of red liquid poured from her chest onto the forest floor. A metalic smell was strong to my nostrils and extremely sickening. Standing over her body was Kit, dagger held in his hand and a evil grin on his ugly face.
I woke up screaming into my pillow, sweat dripping from my brow and more in my sheats sticking to my body.
When I got to school I discovered Lila was absent again, this made me groan as the images from last nights dream flashed into my mind. Blanking them out, I strolled through the hall way. I recognized Jo (from the year below me and a witness to the first death) her arms were wrapped around her legs and she was sitting on the floor, smudged eyeliner plastered to her face and snivelling into a hanky.
Now what happened to her? Don't tell me it's bullying. It can't be bullying, someone who looks like Lara Croft wouldn't be bullied. Maybe she observed another crime. I'm astonished I didn't get a headache from so many thought in only a few seconds.
Getting down onto my knees, which would look hysterical to passer bys, was extremely difficult due to my mini skirt. "Urh...Jo, what's wrong?" I crawled over to her and gave her a bear hug.
"All this drama is making me emotional. They all say it's Kit, but he wouldn't have done it." She choked "He wouldn't hurt a fly and the police are clueless to who the real murderer is. It's all very....horrifying."
"Are you a 100% sure it wasn't Kit? I know he looks like a soppy puppy, yet isn't Puss-in-boots dangerous and adorable...Um well you know what I mean."
If looks could kill, I'm sure I would be dead. "Kit's my brother! I know for sure it wasn't him!"
"Oh, you two look so different....sorry." I muttered, think, think, distraction, distraction...."Well I'm gonna phone Lila, I don't know where she is."
"Lila? She's at my house."
"What she's at your house?" Why though, why would she be there?...Dumass, she's with Kit, duh. I didn't realize till it was to late, that I had grabbed hold of Jo's shoulders and was shaking her.
She shoved me off and before she could tolerate any more, I was sprinting down the hallway. With delight and the intentions to bunk off for the very first time.
Ouch...It is so unlike me to hit awall, but walls arn't soft and warm...are they? My gaze wandered over a six packed torso (covered up with black cotten, but still visible underneith) that belonged to a male. My eye's drifted up this exceedingly tall, broad shouldered figure and hovered at his slender lips. He chuckled to him self, as I arrived at his slanted grey eyes. He was gorgeous, he was Nigel. Taking in this little fact, I flinched backwards. "I'm sorry, I should have been looking where I was going."
"No no, it was all my fault. I should of been able to dodge you." He teased.
"Huh, huh" Just staring at him makes me dizzy. Imagine what a kiss would do.
"You appear to be in a hurry. Do you need any assistance?" He raised one eyebrow.
Perfect I thought sarcastically, so just being with him erases my memory. Clearing my throat, I say "Nope. You should go to english, Mrs Smith would give you lots of torment if you didn't."
"Sure if that's what you want. Well hope to see you soon." He winks, then disappears around the corner.
Sighing dreamingly, I saunter the short distance to Kit's semidetached house. When I approach his blue door, I instantly think of the movie Notting Hill, it also seems to be the only blue door in this neighbourhood. I had my fist in midair (about to knock) when the door gets thrown open.
"Karla? I thought that might be you. Jo, just phoned and said she reckons you'd come." Lila said.
"Your alive!" I screamed with joy and enclosed my arms around her. Tears sprang to my eyes and I mumbled. "I thought you got your self murdered. I've been worried sick, never do that again."
"You sounds like my mum." She tittered.
"Please be more careful."
Kit comes into view and folds his arm around Lila's waist. "Hey, do you want to come in? and I could make tea?"
Hmmm...Kit really doesn't seem like a serial killer. "Yeah that would be great."

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