I wandered around the perimeter of the gym hall, unable to leave the place where I died, I have tried, however there seems to be a barrier just to keep me in. So for a year I've been stuck in this sweaty room, feeling invisable with no one to talk to. Becoming sadder by the day. Today was the anniversary of my death, today was 2009's prom. And as I walked I dodged dancers and groups of teens from the year below me. This years prom was themed fancy dress, most of the boys were dressed as pirates and the girls princesses.
After walking around the room half a dozen times and keeping my ears open for any news about last years prom or anything linked to it, which no one spoke about. I came to my relaxation spot near the nibbles, I often stayed here for it was not busy and was my last venue in my former body.
Was that guy dressed up as a superhero looking at me? No he can't possibly. I turned around to see no one behind me, how weird. When I turned again, I was shocked to see Mr Superhero in front of me.
He appeared friendly and slightly uncomfortable. Except Nigel was the only one who saw me as what I was now and he turned out to be the complete opposite to who I thought he was. "Hi, I'm James."
"Y...you can see me?" I asked nervously. Edging my way to the wall, the only solid object I could lean against.
"Well..." James frowned "You're kinda transparent, yet I can still see your figure." He shrugged.
"How can you see me?" I crossed my arms defiantly.
"I don't know I guess I'm kinda psychic. I've been seeing ghosts.." He paused, noticing I started to tremble at the word 'ghost'. "Sorry" He mumbled.
"It's okay." I replied "Carry on."
"I started seeing THEM when I was four. I talked to them and eventually worked out what they wanted from me...They wanted to rest in peace and I could give it to them, when we established why they hadn't got it in the first place."
"So your a Mediator? Oh I've heard about them..." I squeled "You help us spirts sort out our problems on earth, before we go to the next leval? If there is a heaven." My eyebrows knitted together at the thought of no life after this one.
"I'm sure there is an afterlife." James reassured me. "Karla is there any reason your still here? Unfinished business?"
"Hey how do you know my name?"
"Everyone knows who you are. Since you was very popular and of course the tragic accident last year..."
"It wasn't an accident!"
"I had a feeling it wouldn't be. And so do the forensics, they made it puplic that the deaths, weren't the source of drugs, illnesses or strangling, they have no clue over how it could of happened. Yet they're positive it was murder, seeing that there was two other girls from your year who died the same clueless death such as yours."
"So what happened to Nigel? Did he get away with it?"
"Well Nigel went missing and you was the last person to be seen with him. The police are considering Nigel as a suspect 1#."
"And what about Kit, he's not been charged or anything?"
"I'm sure Kit's ok, I don't think he's been charged.."
"Thanks, I fill so much better getting this is of my chest." I closed my eyes and took a deep sigh and when I opened them again, I was confronted by a handsome guy in a Zorro costume, masked with only his silver eyes showing. Those that belonged to Nigel.
"Hi sweety, didya miss me?" He cocked his face to the side and smiled. "Oooh your starting to fadeaway, nothing a little magic can't handle."
My mouth hang open as I watched him get a red chain out of his pocket. There was nothing I could do to stop him. I felt so airy, the most I've ever felt to being a spirit. He wrapped the chain around my wrist and I felt solid again, but also trapped.
A evil grin spread across his face. "Karla, don't cry. This is your destiny. You gave me your soul."
My hand went to my face and came back with a teardrop, I was crying a thing I haven't done since I was alive.
He pulled the chain with me across the room of frozen teens, heading for this black hole that was just there in the middle of the room. A portal, I thought, if such a thing was possible. Well recently everything was possible. I screamed with every tug and glanced over the room which was resembling a movie that had been paused. My eyes landed on James, the only one who was awake. "Help me!" I yelled.
His expression was twisted into one of pain. He tried to reach out for me, but couldn't. "I will help you" he promised. And then I was enveloped in a burning darkness.
End of story one!

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