Day later: Nigel and I had another conversation, it went like this;
Nigel: "You look gorgeous today" Me: Looks down at skinnys & pink blouse and blushes "Thanks" Bell rings Me: Mutters "See yar later" and then we depart.
Another day later:
Since Kit became a suspect. Most of the school scurried away like frightened mice, which I guess they were. So this left Kit with only five friends, I know that sounds like your normal amount of friends. Yet the whole school used to love Kit and he was so nice to everyone.
So here we sat in the cafeteria, in the neglected corner. Lila on my right, with Kit beside her and Jo on the other side of the table infront of me, with Zoe to her left (her bestfriend and she's only convinced her to trust Kit again) and next to her was Cody (Kit's bestmate)
Cody was an athlete and like most guys, his plate was stacked high with junk food. "Kit-kat, are you gonna abandon us footballers? I know everythings tough for you at the moment, but dude, with out you we're seriously gonna loose."
Why do guys always talk about sports? "Wait, did you just call him Kit-kat?"
Cody grinned "Yeah babe, that's been his nickname since primary school. You know old habits never fade." and leaning over the table, he ruffles Kit's sunny hair.
"Hey, cut that out." Kit complains and restyles his hair with his fingers.
Lila wasn't paying any attention to the conversation, as she was staring with lovingly eyes at a stunning turquoise promdress in a fashion magazine. "I love this dress, I must get it for the prom."
My eyes however were glued to the dress alongside it. A purple knee lengh dress, with a boned bodice. "No, this is the one." I poined at my chosen dress and decided it will be mine soon.
"Karla, did you hear a thing I just said?" I glance up to see Cody's eyes oggling my breasts. Fastening the buttons on my cardigan, I say "no".
"Well babe, I just asked you to the prom." I've never regarded this before, but Cody really does speak alot and manages to eat double the amount of everyone else while doing so.
"Code, she's already going with someone else."
I look to Kit, who seems to be unhappy. Except hasn't he been like that for a couple of days now? Yeah, it must just be what going on at the moment. "Kit's right, I am going with someone." I really need to pluck up my courage to ask Nigel or I'm gonna be dead. All this lying is not good for me.
"Why do all the pretty girls, appear to be taken."
Zoe giggled and says shyly "I'll go to the prom with you, if you want. I've never been to a prom and ours is not till next year."
He examines her over, like in some beauty contest to see what she had that others don't. If what was expressed on his face anything to judge by, it came across as approving. Well who wouln't, she was a night goddess, with silky black hair tumbling over caramel exposed shoulders. "Princess, we've got a deal." Taking her hand he kisses it, making her burst out giggling.
"We've got company." Jo indicates with her head, to my left. Following her gaze, I see Nigel indeed coming over and he's looking at me, yeeks. I get up unsteadily to my feat and walk the small distance to him.
His lopsided smile, made my insides melt. Ok Karla, this is a good time to ask him. Don't do anything stupid just ask him. "Will-you-go-to-the-prom-with-me?"
His chuckling, was a bit off putting, was he laughing at me or with me or something else? "Thats funny, I came here to ask exactly the same thing."
"Really?" I didn't wait for an answer, as I flung my arms around him and I didn't care about the group of girls that were unmistakably talking about us.

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