Another week later
Over the past week, Nigel and I passed each other on our way to lessons, sharing secret smiles and made eye contact. This happened quite a lot and gave me hope.
Outside hail stones lashed against the window pane. I slumped in my chair, munching on dry tasteless toast. Spread across the table was the local news paper, with the headlind...
Another Teen found Dead!
This caught my eye, so I decided to read more.
'Last week, a bunch of teenagers came across a dead girl in the local secondary school. Yesterday, a mother found another school student lying lifeless in the park.
There is a connection between the two, they both are sixteen year old girls, go to the local secondary school and are attractive blondes.
From the pattern, the police believe there's a serial killer on the loose.
At the moment, the forensics are doing tests on the bodies, to see what could of killed them.
If you know anything about their deaths, please contact the police immediately.'
After reading this distressing news, as I too fitted into their category of victims, I tossedthe paper aside and heading to the cloak room, getting my sparkly pumps off the shoe rack and putting them on my feet, grabbing my hadbag from the rail and going out of the front door.
Lila stood with her arms crossed over her chest. Staring into the distance, just outside my gate. Waiting, like every day, to go to school.
It had seemed she had slipt into her happy land, where ever that may be. I'm guessing with Kit, they weren't just going to the prom together, they had also started going out and all she could ever talk about was him.
I giggled, as I snuck up behind her and tapped her on the shoulder, then ducked behind the gate. She jumped, looking behind her self, then frowning when she saw me.
"What?" I said, all innocently.
She did her dramatic sigh. Lila, would make an excellent actress and she knows she's good at it, one of her many talents. "Lets just go." Was all she said.
When we arrived at school, we found the halls buzzing with teenagers. Some were crying, however they all were very talkative. I attempted to eavesdrop in their conversation, yet since everyone was talking over each other, I didn't get all the dialogue. Just a few words like: Alibi, murder and Kit. Which totally confused me.
Locating Mel over by the founting, Mel's the prize gossip at our school, I shoved my way through the crowded room and believe me that is very hard, when everybody is pushing into you from all sides.
"Hi Mel" I place my arm around her shoulder and steer her over to an empty corner, with Lila tagging along. "Soo...What's everyone nattering on about?"
She glanced at me, then her gaze landed on Lila's and stayed there. "You haven't heard? Well the dirt is...Kit's the murderer." Seeing Lila's startled look, she added. "Ok, they don't know for sure. But everybody is convinced it's him. It's his alibi, you see. On both occasions he was absent. First one he wasn't at lunch, he said he went to the toilet. Second, about the time of the murder in the park, he's told everybody he was jogging." She gets a packet of fags out of her trouser pocket and taking one, she lights it and puffs.
Lila sobs "It wasn't him, he wouldn't do such a thing!"
"Honey, there's more facts he could of silenced those poor girls. Diana..." She broke of and gave me a dirty look, for attempting to hide my giggles with my hand. It's just the name Diana sounds like she was asking to die. "Diana, was Kit's exgirlfriend, you know the girl you found in the hall way. She and Kit broke up several months ago. Apparently he hit her for calling him a jerk..."
"Why did she call him a jerk." I asked.
"She called him a jerk, for sleeping with her bestfriend Em. He declines it ever happened. Em just happens to be the dead girl in the park." She takes another puff and eyes us.
Lila has her hands on her hip's and stomps her foot, like in a movie when the heroine isn't getting her way. "I know it wasn't him! And if you guys wont believe me I'm out of here." and with that she barges her way through, the stampeded to the emergency exit, crying all the way.
Over the past week, Nigel and I passed each other on our way to lessons, sharing secret smiles and made eye contact. This happened quite a lot and gave me hope.
Outside hail stones lashed against the window pane. I slumped in my chair, munching on dry tasteless toast. Spread across the table was the local news paper, with the headlind...
Another Teen found Dead!
This caught my eye, so I decided to read more.
'Last week, a bunch of teenagers came across a dead girl in the local secondary school. Yesterday, a mother found another school student lying lifeless in the park.
There is a connection between the two, they both are sixteen year old girls, go to the local secondary school and are attractive blondes.
From the pattern, the police believe there's a serial killer on the loose.
At the moment, the forensics are doing tests on the bodies, to see what could of killed them.
If you know anything about their deaths, please contact the police immediately.'
After reading this distressing news, as I too fitted into their category of victims, I tossedthe paper aside and heading to the cloak room, getting my sparkly pumps off the shoe rack and putting them on my feet, grabbing my hadbag from the rail and going out of the front door.
Lila stood with her arms crossed over her chest. Staring into the distance, just outside my gate. Waiting, like every day, to go to school.
It had seemed she had slipt into her happy land, where ever that may be. I'm guessing with Kit, they weren't just going to the prom together, they had also started going out and all she could ever talk about was him.
I giggled, as I snuck up behind her and tapped her on the shoulder, then ducked behind the gate. She jumped, looking behind her self, then frowning when she saw me.
"What?" I said, all innocently.
She did her dramatic sigh. Lila, would make an excellent actress and she knows she's good at it, one of her many talents. "Lets just go." Was all she said.
When we arrived at school, we found the halls buzzing with teenagers. Some were crying, however they all were very talkative. I attempted to eavesdrop in their conversation, yet since everyone was talking over each other, I didn't get all the dialogue. Just a few words like: Alibi, murder and Kit. Which totally confused me.
Locating Mel over by the founting, Mel's the prize gossip at our school, I shoved my way through the crowded room and believe me that is very hard, when everybody is pushing into you from all sides.
"Hi Mel" I place my arm around her shoulder and steer her over to an empty corner, with Lila tagging along. "Soo...What's everyone nattering on about?"
She glanced at me, then her gaze landed on Lila's and stayed there. "You haven't heard? Well the dirt is...Kit's the murderer." Seeing Lila's startled look, she added. "Ok, they don't know for sure. But everybody is convinced it's him. It's his alibi, you see. On both occasions he was absent. First one he wasn't at lunch, he said he went to the toilet. Second, about the time of the murder in the park, he's told everybody he was jogging." She gets a packet of fags out of her trouser pocket and taking one, she lights it and puffs.
Lila sobs "It wasn't him, he wouldn't do such a thing!"
"Honey, there's more facts he could of silenced those poor girls. Diana..." She broke of and gave me a dirty look, for attempting to hide my giggles with my hand. It's just the name Diana sounds like she was asking to die. "Diana, was Kit's exgirlfriend, you know the girl you found in the hall way. She and Kit broke up several months ago. Apparently he hit her for calling him a jerk..."
"Why did she call him a jerk." I asked.
"She called him a jerk, for sleeping with her bestfriend Em. He declines it ever happened. Em just happens to be the dead girl in the park." She takes another puff and eyes us.
Lila has her hands on her hip's and stomps her foot, like in a movie when the heroine isn't getting her way. "I know it wasn't him! And if you guys wont believe me I'm out of here." and with that she barges her way through, the stampeded to the emergency exit, crying all the way.
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