I examined my self in the mirror. My golden ringlets hang loosly down to my waist, that framed my heart shaped face and my emerald eyes peered through long lashes.
My make-up lay scattered on the worktop. Since I couldn't find the lipgloss in my hand bag, I emptied the contents out. Now that I had finished my make-up session, I placed it all back in.
Lila slouched against the cubical, filing her nails and waffling on about prom. After Kit asked me, he then asked Lila who said yes and I'm starting to think she's got a crush on him. Seeing that she hasn't stopped talking about him.
"Ok now that you've got a partner for prom, why don't we organize a way to make Nigel notice me." I interrupted.
Lila gazed into my eyes and frowned. "And how are we sappose to do that? He's quite perculiar and I have no idea what he's thinking."
I burst out laughing at her silly statement. "And you can read other peoples minds, Lila?"
"It's just he camouflages his emotions. Other people display their emotions by facial expressions and body movement."
I rolled my eyes. Lila may look airheaded but really she isn't. She had a gift of understanding people.
A couple of girls began screaming, fairly nearby. Lila and I exchanged glances, then bolted out of the lavatory. The hall way was practically empty except six girls (every one else should be in the cafeteria) The girls were huddled around something and as we came closer and barged our way through, we found out that something was a limp body resembling a peaky but pretty rag doll. I stood there traumaticed and then my brain went overload. "Is...she...dead?" I asked, though I had a queasy feeling I already knew.
The girl nearest to me nodded and started trembling. "Jo's...gone...to...get...a..teacher." She said in between sobs.
As she said that, Mrs Smith came jogging over to us, along with Jo tagging behind. She got down on her knees and inspected the body, putting her ear up to her heart and feeling for her pulse. "Hmm...Yes I suppose she's dead."
"Miss, we found her like this and when we saw she wasn't breathing. We totally freaked out...How do you suppose it happened?" Jo said.
Mrs Smith scowled. "I don't no if it's accidental or suicidal or if someone murdered her. But I do know I have to phone the police, the ambulance and her parents. And I imagine todays lessons shall be cancelled."
Half an hour later
Every one now knew about her death and the whole school was getting sent home.
Lila and I were neighbours so we both walked home together. We were both oddly quiet after todays event, not our normal talkative selves.
It was a cold, crispy day, as we trudged over snow covered paths, carefully so not to slide over on to our bottoms. Snow flakes came trickling down from up in the heavens and in the distance we could hear sirens that were heading over to the school.
Looking up I spotted Nigel over on the other side of the streat. He was wearing black from head to toe, his hands in his pockets and hood upon his head. On cue, as if he felt me looking at him, he made eye contact. My heart did a somersault and made me blush, quickly I broke the connection. I was overjoyed for him finally seeing me.

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